
Optimise the health of your soil, the productivity of your crops and minimise inorganic fertiliser, pesticide and water use.

Work with nature to restore balance to your soil. A healthy soil ensures high crop yields, however all too often agriculture relies on inorganic fertilisers (with high salt indices), and pesticides to resolve problems, this gradually kills the life in your soil. Symbio helps you break the fertiliser-pesticide-disease cycle by introducing and supporting soil biology. Soil is teeming with billions of bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms that work together in a complex food web that supports plant growth, releases nutrients, improves soil structure, regulates water movement and outcompetes plant pathogens. By managing your soil in a way that improves soil function a sustainable solution to many of the problems can be implemented.  

Symbio products help to re-introduce soil biology and support the growth of a diverse community. A healthy soil food web serves as a solid foundation for agricultural practices and helps you to grow healthy and nutritious crops.  



Mycorrhizal and Fungal Products

MycoForce Endo Ecto Mycorrhizal Whip Dip.

SYMBIO MYCOFORCE ENDO ECTO WHIP DIP promotes rapid establishment of plants and improves transplant survival rates. MycoForce whip dip contains live spores of beneficial mycorrhizal fungi, growth-promoting soil fungi and bacteria to kick-start the soil’s natural food web. 

This product contains both Endo and Ecto Mycorrhizal fungi, suitable for almost all whips, bare root trees, shrubs, seedlings, cuttings and small containerized plants. Easy to apply as a root dip just before planting. 

MycoForce Endo & Ecto Mycorrhizal Transplanter.

SYMBIO MYCOFORCE ENDO ECTO TRANSPLANTER promotes rapid establishment of plants and improves transplant survival rates. Mycoforce transplanter contains live spores of beneficial mycorrhizal fungi, growth-promoting soil fungi and bacteria to kick-start the soil’s natural food web. 

This product contains both Endo and Ecto Mycorrhizal fungi, suitable for almost all containerised or root-balled trees and shrubs prior to transplanting. Mycoforce transplanter can be premixed with growing media or dusted onto root-balls.

Symbio Granular Mycorrhizae

SYMBIO GRANULAR MYCORRHIZAE improves seed survival and accelerates plant growth rate. Granular Mycorrhizae contains a broad spectrum of mycorrhizal fungi suitable for all cereal crops, vegetables, alliums and fruits (not suitable for brassicas and beets). 

MycoForce Liquid Endo.

SYMBIO LIQUID ENDO improves transplant survival, accelerates growth rates and reduces the need for fertilisers. Liquid Endo can be used fothe majority of nursery stock, vegetables (except brassicas), and cereal crops.

Get in touch

Please get in touch if you would like more information about Symbio’s products and services, or if you would like to discuss working together on your next project.