Sports Turf

Healthy perennial grasses grow in biologically active soil, where microorganisms provide natural defence mechanisms against disease, dry patch and thatch build up. Healthy soils contain mycorrhizal fungi which extend root systems and increase access to nutrients and water.


Symbio provides the correct combination of biology, chemistry and physics for the growth of fine grass, reducing the need for chemicals, and resulting in less disease, less physical disruption, reduced management time and lower costs.


Mycoforce mycorrhizal inoculants for turf

MycoForce Seed Coat

SYMBIO MYCORRHIZAL SEED COAT promotes the establishment of fine grasses. Mycorrhizal Seedcoat contains spores of beneficial mycorrhizal fungi, growth promoting bacteria and fungi and organic soil nutrients, to improve grass root growth, stress recovery and rapid establishment of newly seeded or turfed areas.

MycoForce Inoculant

SYMBIO MYCORRHIZAL INOCULANT promotes rapid establishment of fine grasses. In sand-dominated sports turf soil is almost sterile. Mycorrhizal inoculant contains live spores of beneficial mycorrhizal fungi, growth-promoting soil fungi and bacteria, carbon, and organic soil nutrients to kick-start the soil’s natural food web. Essential for rapid establishment of newly seeded or turfed areas and to improve grass growth and stress recovery.

Liquid Endo Mycorrhizae

SYMBIO LIQUID ENDO MYCORRHIZAL INOCULANT improves establishment of fine grasses, and increases root and shoot growth. Liquid Endo mycorrhizal inoculant can be applied as a seed coat or a root drench, accelerating establishment of newly sown turf.

Get in touch

Please get in touch if you would like more information about Symbio’s products and services, or if you would like to discuss working together on your next project.