Sports Turf

Healthy perennial grasses grow in biologically active soil, where microorganisms provide natural defence mechanisms against disease, dry patch and thatch build up. Healthy soils contain mycorrhizal fungi which extend root systems and increase access to nutrients and water.


Symbio provides the correct combination of biology, chemistry and physics for the growth of fine grass, reducing the need for chemicals, and resulting in less disease, less physical disruption, reduced management time and lower costs.


Soil amendments


SYMBIO TRACEOLITE is a natural silicate volcanic mineral with unique physical, chemical and cationic exchange properties, and packed with trace elements (K, P, Mg, Ca, Fe). Its three dimensional lattice allows for a very high cation exchange (130 – 270 meq/100gm) and provides excellent water holding capacity. Use TraceOlite to re-mineralise poor soil, to prevent water logging, to harden soft playing surfaces and to extend winter play. 

Granular Calcium Carbonate

SYMBIO CALCIUM CARBONATE is a greens grade granule (1-1.5mm), and is most effective if used in soils with a pH <5.5. Calcium is essential for strong plant cells and natural plant resistance. The correct balance of positive alkaline ions in the soil is important for nutrient availability and soil pH. Calcium should make up at least 65% of the cations in the soil, too little calcium in the soil reduces nitrification and phosphate uptake. 

Granular Calcium Sulphate

Symbio gypsum is a quick and easy way to supply both calcium and sulphur to your soils. This product is most effective if used in soils with a pH>5.5. This is a greens grade granule (1-1.5mm).

Calcium is essential for strong plant cells and disease resistance. The correct balance of positive alkaline ions is important for nutrient availability and soil pH. Calcium should make up at least 65% of the cations in the soil, too little calcium in the soil reduces nitrification and phosphate uptake. 

Kieserite MgO

Magnesium is an essential element of chlorophyll and therefore central to plant photosynthesis. Correct magnesium levels are needed in the soil to ensure efficient nutrient uptake. Magnesium should comprise at least 5% and up to 12% of the base cations in the soil. Kieserite is the most effective way to manage a magnesium shortfall, and is supplied as a greens grade granule (1-1.5mm). 


Get in touch

Please get in touch if you would like more information about Symbio’s products and services, or if you would like to discuss working together on your next project.